Insurance Check-up

Personalized Insurance Check-Up

Wondering if your current insurance plans still suit your needs? This package helps you evaluate your existing protections and ensure they align with your life situation and goals.

Customer Experience

Gaining Clarity and Control Over Insurance

Andre and his wife had several insurance policies, but they weren’t sure exactly what coverage they had in case of an emergency. They tried to figure out the differences between the various types of insurance on their own, but they found it difficult to make sense of it all. Andre wanted clear answers from an independent expert, so he reached out to me.

I provided a comprehensive overview of their existing insurance policies, explaining how each one works and what kind of protection they could expect as a family. After my presentation, Andre had a much clearer understanding of their options. With my help, he was able to adjust their coverage to better fit their current life situation.

Today, Andre feels confident and in control of his insurance protection. He understands his coverage and knows how to adjust on his own when needed.

– story of my client Andre

What’s included in the package?

Your Investment: €399 (Incl. Tax, 2.5 Hours)

This package is designed to give youpeace of mind and clarity whether your insurance still fits your needs.


Let me help you make sure you’re well-protected now and in the future!

Financial and Bureaucratic Support in Germany

Your Kerstin Brunner

Finance Ambassador